Friday, January 11, 2013

Picture Perfect -Competition 1 - Archi Texture

Picture Perfect Week one of competition: Gayle is our host and has chosen a theme with many possibilities.

I have chosen this old Barn from the 1900s. It has lots of character and has many textures and a unique style with the Copulas and the large Silo.
Please click to enlarge photo. It makes such a difference.


  1. Really interesting building there Sue, lots of textures!! Here is MY PP LINK

  2. Good choice of shot. Love that architecture... very unusual to me...

  3. Thanks Mitch and Belita.
    I thought I would post on here as well as
    muzenews so I could see everyone's entries.
    And share with you all.

  4. I imagine much activity there..long time ago. Excellent choice for this theme!

  5. You have another successful photo here on your page Sue.
    Beautifully captured and full of interest. Congratulations on your nomination. Well deserved.
